Hello, THATCampers. Here is a general schedule for the day. The content of the sessions is up to you, so be sure to propose a session (or several) if you haven’t already. Keep an eye on this blog, too, since most news about the event will go here. Get ready, get excited, it’s almost Friday!
THATCamp Schedule of Events
8:30- 9:00 THATCamp Registration
9:00-9:15 Welcome to THATCamp
9:15-9:45 Last-Minute Proposals and Session Selection
9:45-10:00 Session Scheduling
10:00-10:55 First Session
11:00-11:55 Second Session
12:00-1:30 Lunch and Dork Shorts (1:00-1:30)
1:30-2:25 Third Session
2:30-3:25 Fourth Session
3:30-4:00 THATCamp Reflections and Closing Remarks