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- Nicole Lawrence on Dork Shorts
- Liz Cole on Digital Dork Shorts, Session Notes, and Evening/Weekend Plans
- Gena Chattin on Digital Dork Shorts, Session Notes, and Evening/Weekend Plans
- Lisa Flanagan on Session Proposal: Seeking a Digital Interface for a Project about Maps, Bees, and Old Houses
- Gena Chattin on Digital Dork Shorts, Session Notes, and Evening/Weekend Plans
Stephanie Braunstein

- Head, Government Documents/Microforms Librarian
- Louisiana State University
Gov Docs Librarian. Regional Coordinator of Federal Depository Library Program in Louisiana. Second MA in English. Used to teach, face-to-face, English Composition and Rhetoric at the college level in California. Now teach, online both synchronously and asynchronously, Sources of Government Information at the graduate level. The federal government is the largest publisher in the world and has published something about everything, including the arts and humanities. Seriously. Hmmm, Nick Carr--nice looking guy, but a little young for me.