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- Nicole Lawrence on Dork Shorts
- Liz Cole on Digital Dork Shorts, Session Notes, and Evening/Weekend Plans
- Gena Chattin on Digital Dork Shorts, Session Notes, and Evening/Weekend Plans
- Lisa Flanagan on Session Proposal: Seeking a Digital Interface for a Project about Maps, Bees, and Old Houses
- Gena Chattin on Digital Dork Shorts, Session Notes, and Evening/Weekend Plans
Michelle Donlin

- Government Documents and Microforms Librarian
- Louisiana State University
- Twitter: @WithTheLibrary
I'm a Government Documents and Microforms Librarian at LSU's Middleton Library in Baton Rouge. I hold BAs in History and Anthropology from Penn State and a Master in Library Science with a concentration in E-Government Librarianship from the University of Maryland. My primary research focuses on the evolving role of e-government information resources and services.