It’s Session Proposal Time!!!! Also Twitter, Boogaloo, etc.

In case you haven’t seen Michael’s e-mail, it’s time to start thinking up amazing things for us to talk about when we descend upon the CBD next week. There are some ideas and suggestions over on the Sessions page, but these are more guides than rules. As the Rebirth Brass Band would say, “Do Whatcha Wanna.” We’ve got a few up already, so take a look at them for inspiration, and comment on the posts to get the conversation going!

We’ve also got a Twitter account up and running at @tcampnola2013. Follow it if Twitter’s your thing, and if it’s not, now’s a good excuse to give it a try!

It’s also as good a time as any to think about after-THATCamp plans. There’s always a ton going on around town, and next weekend is no exception. Feel free to post any events you hear about that you might want to share with fellow THATCampers in the comments, and I’ll compile them later. Bayou Boogaloo begins Friday evening (with Rebirth Brass Band!) and runs through Sunday, but there’s also the new Star Trek movie, countless amazing restaurants, city tours, and more.

Excited yet? Start posting!

Categories: Administrative, Your Categories Are Inadequate |

About Gena Chattin

Gena is the Digital Initiatives Librarian at the University of New Orleans. She previously completed an M.A. in French at the University of Maryland, an M.S. in Library Science at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., and did undergraduate work in English and French at the University of Kentucky. As a librarian and archivist, she is passionate about the preservation and dissemination of information to researchers worldwide, and she is excited about the possibilities created by technologies in the humanities.

3 Responses to It’s Session Proposal Time!!!! Also Twitter, Boogaloo, etc.

  1. Mary says:

    I am a current PhD student in Urban Studies at the University of New Orleans. I intend on using THATCamp to expand my knowledge of online tools useful to digital archiving. I would love a session that discusses the most acceptable academic and professional practices for digitizing old photographs and trade journals. Learning about different free app creation software would also be of interest. Getting excited!

  2. Mary says:

    Gina-I got my undergraduate degree from Transylvania University, also in Lexington. Are you a fellow Kentuckian?

  3. Gena Chattin says:

    Hi Mary! That is a great idea. Standards are so important, and it is really easy to lose digital information to obsolete software and file formats. Why don’t you copy that into a blog post and propose it as a session? There are instructions on how to do this at the top of the page at, but let me know if you have trouble.

    I was! I was in Lexington, Kentucky for 13 years and studied at U.K. and Midway College. Half of my Kentucky friends are Transy grads, though, so I ended up spending a ton of time on Transylvania campus too. Sometimes I feel like I went there. But I grew up in West Virginia, so does that make me a Kentuckian? Not sure…

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